Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Channing McWilliams - Kentucky's American Quarter Horse Jr. Queen

I hope you will join me in congratulating Channing McWilliams recent announcement that she will be representing Kentucky this year as Kentucky's American Quarter Horse Jr. Queen!

Kentucky's American Quarter Horse Association has crowned a new Jr. Queen.  Seventeen year old Channing McWilliams, a Senior at Ryle High School in Union, KY, will be representing and giving awards throughout Kentucky at this year's 4H State Championship, Kentucky State Fair, and the North American Livestock Show held in Louisville, KY.

To be crowned the KYQHA Jr. Queen, Channing competed in an interview and horsemanship riding competition.  She plans to go to University of KY and study criminal law.  Next year, she will be eligible to compete for the Quarter Horse Congress Queen competition where each state's queen will compete for the national title.

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