Monday, December 21, 2009

All-State Winners in Music

We are very proud to have several students named All-State performers by the Ky Music Educators Association (KMEA).  Additionally, the Ryle Honors Wind Symphony has been invited to perform as a group at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, February 4th  at the KMEA Conference in Louisville, KY.  This is a distinct honor as only a few groups from the state are invited to perform each year.

Erin Deja, Kelly Tursic, and Stephanie Church were named to the All-State Concert Band.

Desirae Carron was named to the All-State Symphonic Band.

Amy Albright and Kaitlyn Kelly were named to the All-State Chorus.

Congratulations to each of these young ladies for an outstanding honor!

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