- Put away your study materials. By now, you know all you'll need to know for the test. Last minute cramming will only make you stressed and tired.
- Gather together the things you'll need for the test: your testing room number, acceptable ID and three sharpened No. 2 pencils. Pack a watch, too, if you want to time yourself.
- Remember to bring a calculator to use on the math test.
- Cell phones are not permitted in the test rooms! If a test proctor sees a cell phone, or if one rings, even accidentally, you'll be dimissed from the test.
- Eat a substantial breakfast, as food and drink is not permitted in the testing rooms.
- Plan to get to school early, no later than 7:30 a.m. Check the weather the night before to see if you'll need to allow yourself some extra time to get to school.
- Distract yourself by doing something you enjoy: reading, playing video games, watching a movie or TV, spending time with family or friends.
- Get to bed as early as you can, and set your alarm early enough to make sure you have enough time to eat breakfast and to get to school at least 10-15 minutes before the scheduled start time. Your best preparation is to be well rested going into the test.
Accessibility Is Taking a Hit Across the Sciences
Confusion has ensued about the future of programs and research supporting
people with disabilities as a result of President Trump’s executive order.
5 hours ago
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