Ski Club
If you are interested in joining the Ryle Ski Club stop by room 107 after school Wednesday to get your form and instructions on how to join. Their will be a brief meeting to answer your questions you may have. Hope to see you after school Wednesday October 12
ATTENTION ALL HHS MEMBERS!!! There will be an informational meeting Thursday, October 13th, in Mrs. Call's room. Please try to attend. We will be going over the point system and be reviewing our schedule for future events, so PLEASE ATTEND. You will be receiving one point for attending and an extra point for bringing food or drinks.
Student Council
Attention student council members!!! Please be sure to check the information on the door of room 107A for important upcoming events and items needed for Homecoming. All tea items must be brought in by Monday Oct.17th. Dues may also be paid before & after school as well as during lunch in room 107A
Reminder to all HOSA Members, there is a meeting on Wednesday, October 12th!
If you signed up for the PSAT but did not get a student guide, please stop by the Guidance Office to pick up a booklet.
Chess Club
Attention Chess Club's Kings and Queens and even you Pawns.....Chess Club will now hold club play dates on Wednesdays....that is ......Chess Club .....will meet on ......Wednesdays.....on Wednesdays......Sooooooooo, come down off that Castle and come on down to Room 132 after school today.
Wrestling Practice starts Monday, October 17, 2016 in Gym 2 at 7:00pm
Athletes will need to bring their physical and Athletic Fee $35.00 will need to be paid.
If any wrestler needs a physical, this can be provided on October 13, 2016 at 3:00pm (next to concession stand in upper gym) Coach Ruschell will be there.
Ryle NHS -
There will be a meeting on Monday, October 17th after school in the media center!
Tryouts for Varsity/JV boys’ basketball team will start this Saturday, October 15th from 6:30-8:00AM (start stretching at 6:20AM) and will continue on October 17th and 18th. This tryout is open to any sophomore, junior, or senior boy who is not currently playing a fall sport. In order to tryout you must have an updated physical, waiver, and release to treat form turned in. Also, all players trying out need to see Coach McFarland, Coach Rasso, or Coach Williams for a grade sheet to get signed by your teachers.
If you are playing a fall sport and would like to tryout, please see Coach McFarland or Coach Rasso for more information.
Tryouts for the freshman basketball team will be on Oct. 31, Nov. 1, and Nov. 2.
Accessibility Is Taking a Hit Across the Sciences
Confusion has ensued about the future of programs and research supporting
people with disabilities as a result of President Trump’s executive order.
5 hours ago
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