Student Council: Reminder we are meeting today (11/6/13) after school in the media center. Please be prompt!
FBLA: FBLA Officer meeting after school in the romm 119. All officers must attend. This is mandatory.
-If you signed up in the FBLA Community Service event there will be a committee meeting on Wednesday, November 6th immediately after school in room 139. If you plan on helping you need to be in attendance.
-If you signed up to help with the Spaghetti Dinner, there will be a meeting after school on Wednesday in rm. 139.
- FBLA SPAGHETTI DINNER TICKETS ON SALE NOW ON SALE! Please purchase your pre-sale tickets from Business teachers, Officers, Raider Bank, or Main Office.
Pre-Sale Price= $5 for adults
$3 for kids
- Regarding Donation Items: Fresman students we no longer need Parmesan cheese. Please bring in drinks (Coke Products).
Sophomores we no longer need dressing please bring in drinks (coke products). Junior continue to bring in drinks also. And Seniors don't forget to bring in deserts the day of the dinner (Thursday November 7th). You can turn these items to the Business room.
Math Honor Society: Attention all new and returning members of Math Honors Society there will be a mandatory meeting next Monday, November11th directly after school in the library please be in attendence.
Spanish Honors Society: The induction ceremony is this Friday, November 8th during 5th period in the auditorium. Please dress up in business casual. Thanks!
PTSA: VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY! The Ryle PTSA Craft Show is Friday, November 22nd 7-10pm and Saturday, November 23rd 9am-4pm.
Guidance: Attention Seniors! University of Kentucky is looking for qualified high school seniors who are interested in working as a student athletic trainer at U.K. This is for any student who has an interest in a career in the medical field, such as athletic training, physical therapy, nursing, pre-med, etc. Schloarships are available after a student completes one year in the program and are awarded based on a student's performance in the athletic training room and the classroom. Applications are in the guidance office.
Academic Team: Practice this Thursday in rm. 125 will be only for JV Challenge Competitors.
Staff: Students keep our areas around lunch tables picked up and no moving chairs around the tables.. Thank you!!
Accessibility Is Taking a Hit Across the Sciences
Confusion has ensued about the future of programs and research supporting
people with disabilities as a result of President Trump’s executive order.
5 hours ago
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