Picture Retakes: Picture retakes day is Friday November 11. If you need a picture form you can pick one up in the main office or from your RAP teacher.
Cappies Critics: There will be a brief meeting Wednesday after school in rm. 131.
Freshman Football: Your undefeated Freshman Raiders will play Cov Cath Thursday in championship game. The game will start at 7:00 pm. Pleaswe come out and support your Raiders as they continue their quest to finish the season undefeated.
Student Council: Attention you awesome Raiders!!! Student Council is sponsoring a toy collection for Operation Christmas Child. Each RAP should have a box in their class along with a pink flyer that lists items to collect. These gift boxes will be sent to less fortunate children in the US and third world countries. The RAP class that fills the most boxes will win a warm breakfast. This drive will end on November 22nd so let's get collecting now and help out with this worthy cause!
Freshman Boys' Basketball: Tryouts for the freshman boys' basketball team will start this Monday, November 4th from 7-9 pm and will continue on Tuesday and Wednesday. In order to tryout you must have an updated physical turned in. Also, please see Coach Williams in room 112 to let him know that you plan on trying out if you have not already done so.
FBLA: Spghetti Dinner is next Thursday please remember to bring in your donation:
Freshman- Grated Parmasan Cheese
Sophomores- Italian or Ranch Dressing
Juniors- Coke products
Seniors- Desserts the day of Spaghetti Dinner November 7th.
Turn these items in by 8 am on Thursday November 7th to the business department hallway.
-Please purchase your pre-sale tickets From Businss teachers, officers, Raider Bank, or Main Office.
Pre-Sale price $5 for adults
$3 for kids
- If you signed up to participate in the FBLA community service event there will be a committee meeting on Tuesday, November 5, immediately after school in room 139. If you plan on helping you to be in attendance.
FCCLA: ATTENTION SENIORS! Parish Kitchen donations will begin next week! Please bring baked goods, cookies, and brownies in throw away containers to Ms. Bain's room 216. See Ms. Bain for questions or details.
National Honors Society: NHS meeting this upcoming Monday November 4th in the Media Center after school.
Choir: Congratulations to the following students on their acceptance to the All-State Choir Festival this February in Louisville, KY. Everyone worked extraordinarily hard and the results paid off!
Shannon Winter, Hannah Kleckner, Kennedy Wright, Jeff Moore, Luke Hawtry, Noah Greenhill and Daniel Kozar.
Accessibility Is Taking a Hit Across the Sciences
Confusion has ensued about the future of programs and research supporting
people with disabilities as a result of President Trump’s executive order.
5 hours ago
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